A new State law, SB 1383, mandates that organic material can no longer go in the trash (black lid) bin or cart and must now go in the green (organics) collection.  

To learn about the City of Burbank’s organics collection, go to:  https://www.burbankca.gov/web/public-works/organics-recycling


What is Allowed in the Green Cart for Organics

All green cart collections should be loose in the cart (no plastics bags–even those marked “compostable”)

  • Yard Trimmings (leaves, grass clippings*, branches, brush, twigs, shrubs, hedges, etc.)
  • Food scraps, including animal-derived products (meat, dairy, eggshells, etc.)
  • Food-soiled paper (no plastic lining)
  • Untreated, unpainted, metal-free wood 
    • Please cut pieces to fit into the container so the lid can close.

 Please keep plastics and other contaminants out of the material to help our composting efforts and keep our soils healthy.  Click here for a more comprehensive Accepted Organics list.  

Prohibited Items

  • All PLASTICS, including bags
  • Compostable plastics
  • Pet waste & kitty litter
  • Street litter (from leaf blowing) 
  • Manure (may be added at a later date)
  • Dirt 

How the Food Scrap Collection Works:

  • Keep food scraps and food-soiled paper items out of your kitchen trash and in some type of container during the week. The City of Burbank offers a free food scrap collection pail for residents, if desired.
  • Place collected food scraps and other organic materials, loose in the green cart. NO PLASTIC BAGS*.
    • *Uncoated paper bags or newspapers are an accepted alternative because they are considered an organic item when soiled by food. 
  • On your collection day, empty your food scraps on top of any yard trimings in the green cart.
    • Cardboard, like pizza boxes are helpful if there is little landscape material in the cart. 

For helpful tips on how to recycle organic material with the green cart collection, download the “Food is NOT Trash” guide.  

Food Packaging

Home Decor